Edit Game
B1 Unit 4

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Join these two sentence with WHEN or WHILE: Lia met Paul. She was living in Amsterdam. ---> Lia was ........
Lia was living in Amsterdam WHEN she met Paul.
COMPLETE WITH THE RIGHT PAST TENSES: I _____ (wake up) at 6 yesterday and _____ (go) for a morning run.
woke up / went
Join these two sentence with WHEN or WHILE: Tom was waiting for the bus. He saw Sam. ---> Tom .......
Tom was waiting for the bus WHEN he saw Sam.
COMPLETE WITH THE RIGHT PAST TENSES: I _______ (never / meet) a celebrity before, so I _____ (be) quite nervous.
had never met / was
COMPLETE WITH THE RIGHT PAST TENSES: We were too late. The film _____ (already/ start) when we ______ (arrive) at the cinema.
had already started / arrived
COMPLETE WITH THE RIGHT PAST TENSES: While I _____ (wait) for Joan to open the door, I _____ (check) my messages.
was waiting / checked
Join these two sentence with WHEN or WHILE: I was having a shower. The taxi arrived. --> The taxi ...........
The taxi arrived while I was having a shower.
COMPLETE WITH THE RIGHT PAST TENSES: It _______ (rain) when I ______ (arrive) at George's house.
was raining / arrived
Water that falls from high up is a _________.
The fastest way to go from Benimaclet to the Nord Station is by __________
In Valencia, most people live in ___________________
apartment blocks
There are lots of b_ _ _ _ _ lights at Times Square.
A very small river is called a ______
The ______ of New York City is the most famous one in the world.
What's this?
a signpost
Ruzafa is a _____________ in Valencia.
Really tall buildings are called _______
What's this animal called?
A moose
When you go camping you stay at a ______