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A2- Topic Based Speaking 2: Animals and Pets

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What's the disadvantage of keeping a pet
You have to feed them everyday and deal with diseases and other issues
What is the advantage of keeping a pet?
A pet can help release stress and can be your best friend
Why do animals become extinct?
Because people keep hunting rare animals illegally
What is the most helpful animal?
Buffalo is the most helpful animal
Do you think people nowadays don't respect animals?
yes, some people still eat dog meat/ no, there are a lots Animal Relief Society
Do you think pigs can be good pets?
yes, pigs are cute and chubby/ no, pigs are dirty
What is the most dangerous animal?
Snake is the most dangerous animal
Do you agree that animals shouldn't be allowed in public places?
yes, animal like guide dogs for the blind should be allowed in public places/no,because animals can defecate in public place
Do you think it's expensive to have a pet in the city?
yes, you have to buy food for them/ no, a pet can eats the leftovers
Do you consider yourself an animal lover?
yes, I love animals/ No, I don't love animals.
What's your favorite animal?
My favorite animals are elephants.
Do you think animals should be kept in zoo?
Yes, some animals can't survive by themself in the wild/ No,animals should be released to the wild.
Do you think children should have pet animals?
Yes, pets can be friends with children and protect them/ No, pets can hurt children.
What animals do you think are cute?
I think rabbits and cats are cute (animals).
Do you want to spend your weekend at a farm?
yes, i like farm and love feeding animals/No, i don't like the smell of the farm
When was the last time you visited the zoo?
It was a long time so I can't remember but I think it was about 5 years.
Do you think it's acceptable to test medicine on animals?
It's inhumane but i think in order to develop and research more new drugs, animals can be used as guinea pigs.
Do you want to try riding a horse?
Yes, I aways want to try riding a horse/ No, I don't want to try riding a horse.
What are some endangered animals in your country?
Japanese deer and rhinos are endangered animals in my country/ They are in danger of becoming extinct.
What is the animal that scares you?
A tiger is the animal that scares me
What is the typical animal in your country?
Buffalo are the typical animals in my country
Did you grow up with pets in your home?
Yes, I grew up with my dog/ No,I didn't grow up with any pets
What do you feed your pet?
I feed my pet meat and rice
Do you have a pet?
Yes, I have a dog/ No, I don't have any pets