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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ana and Valentina ____ _____ (study) when Diego ____ (offer) them a snack.
Ana and Valentina were studying when Diego offered them a snack.
Xime and Vale ____ _____ (have) a picnic when it ____ (start) to rain.
Xime and Vale were having a picnic when it started to rain.
Octavio ____ ____ (help) his sister with her homework yesterday.
Octavio was helping his sister with her homework yesterday.
José Luis ___ _____ (do) his homework when his friends ____ (call) him to play.
José Luis was doing his homework when his friends called him to play.
We ___ _____ (have) English class when Miss Susy ____ (come) into the session.
We were having English class when Miss Susy came into the session.
Fer ___ _____ (have) her dance lesson whe she ____ (fall).
Fer was having her dance lesson whe she fell.
Emi ___ _____ (play) Among Us when his English class ____ (start).
Emi was playing Among Us when his English class started.
The plane ___ _____ (leave) the airport in the morning.
The plane was leaving the airport in the morning.
What instruments ____ the musicians _____ (play)?
What instruments were the musicians playing?
Regina ___ _____ (make) a drawing when her brother ____ (invite) her to play.
Regina was making a drawing when her brother invited her to play.
You ____ _____ (work) so hard yesterday.
You were working so hard yesterday.
She ___ _____ (jump) in the trampoline when her mom _____ (call) her for dinner.
She was jumping in the trampoline when her mom called her for dinner.
I ___ _____ (read) the newspaper when you _____ (arrive).
I was reading the newspaper when you arrived.