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Making Friends at Home and Abroad

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In what TWO countries is it rude to interrupt a conversation?
The UK and the USA
In what country is it rude to tell jokes at dinner?
It is rude to tell jokes at dinner in France.
What must you do when you arrive at someone's house in Central Europe or Scandinavia?
You must take off your shoes.
In which TWO countries is it common to kiss women twice on the cheek when you meet them?
Spain and France
What does "abroad" mean?
What word means the opposite of polite?
What is a host family?
Can you interrupt a conversation in the USA?
No, you shouldn't interrupt a conversation in the USA.
In which country is it acceptable to burp?
It's OK to burp in China, in fact it's polite.
In which country is it a good idea to take a present?
It is a good idea to take a present in the UK.
What should you do when you meet someone for the first time in the UK?
People in the UK are more formal, so you should shake hands when you meet a stranger.
Match headings 1-4 with paragraphs A-D | 4. Meeting people
Paragraph A
Match headings 1-4 with paragraphs A-D | 3. Having a meal
Paragraph C
Match headings 1-4 with paragraphs A-D | 2. Visiting someone's house
Paragraph B
Match headings 1-4 with paragraphs A-D | 1. Chatting
Paragraph D