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Oral exam

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can you see in the kitchen?
A fridge, a cooker, a plant.
What can you see in the pencil case?
A rubber, markers, a sharpener.
He is...
hungry / eating pasta
She is...
thirsty / drinking water.
What's your favourite toy?
It's the ball.
What's she doing?
She's dancing.
What's the zebra doing?
It's running / jumping
Has it got a tail?
Yes, it has.
Has she got blond hair?
No, she hasn't.
Where is he?
He is in the kitchen.
Where are the crayons?
They are on the table.
What are you wearing?
I'm wearing shorts and a red t-shirt.
Describe the robot. It has got... /It hasn't got...
It has got two arms and two eyes. It hasn't got a mouth.
They are...
drinking milkshakes / friends.
What's he doing?
He's flying a kite.
How many burgers?
Twelve burgers.
How many apples?
Fifteen apples.
What's it doing?
It's eating.
What's the weather like?
It's sunny.
Describe the girl. She has got...
She has got long hair, black eyes and a small nose.
What is she wearing?
She's wearing jeans, a pink t-shirt and pick shoes.