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Has got, hasn't got (he, she)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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he's got / he has got
on má
she's got / she has got
ona má
she hasn't got
ona nemá
has he got?
má on?
Has she got a ball?
Má ona míč?
He's got a book. / He has got a book.
On má knihu.
She's got a mouse. / She has got a mouse.
Ona má myš.
He hasn't got a banana.
On nemá banán.
Has she got a teddy bear?
Má ona medvídka?
He hasn't got a car.
On nemá auto.
Has he got a brother?
Má on bratra?
She hasn't got a computer.
Ona nemá počítač.
She's got crayons. / She has got crayons.
Ona má pastelky.
has she got?
má ona?
has he got?
má on?
she's got
ona má
he hasn't got
on nemá
she hasn't got
ona nemá
he's got
on má
He's got a cat. / He has got a cat.
On má kočku.
Has he got a dog?
Má on psa?
She hasn't got a box.
Ona nemá krabičku.
Has he got a clock?
Má on hodiny?
Has she got a T-shirt?
Má ona tričko?
She hasn't got a doll.
Ona nemá panenku.
He hasn't got a house.
On nemá dům.
He's got an apple. / He has got an apple.
On má jablko.