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Adjective + Preposition

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We have become more and more dependent _____ this technology.
We have become more and more dependent on this technology.
That's so kind ________ you to say.
That's so kind of you to say.
You really shouldn't be jealous ________ him.
You really shouldn't be jealous of him.
They're involved ________ a series of discussions.
They're involved in a series of discussions.
This isn't really suitable ________ us.
This isn't really suitable for us.
He's famous ________ his love songs.
He's famous for his love songs.
Who is in charge ________ this department?
Who is in charge of this department?
Who is responsible ________ completing the report?
Who is responsible for completing the report?
I'm sorry ________ being late.
I'm sorry for being late.
I'm grateful ________ everything you have done.
I'm grateful for everything you have done.
My boss is really upset ________ it.
My boss is really upset about it.
He should feel ashamed ________ his behavior.
He should feel ashamed of his behavior.
Are you sure he is capable ________ doing it?
Are you sure he is capable of doing it?
I don't think he is aware ________ the problem.
I don't think he is aware of the problem.
You should be proud ________ all your achievements.
You should be proud of all your achievements.
I'm not that good ________ sports.
I'm not that good at sports.
It's different ________ what I expected.
It's different from what I expected.
This job is quite similar ________ my last one.
This job is quite similar to my last one.
Many people are afraid ________ losing their jobs.
Many people are afraid of losing their jobs.
I'm not really interested ________ that idea.
I'm not really interested in that idea.
I'm worried ________ what will happen.
I'm worried about what will happen.
What are you passionate _______?
What are you passionate about?
He got married ______ a woman from Algeria.
He got married to a woman from Algeria.
He's anxious ________ his presentation on Monday.
He's anxious about his presentation on Monday.