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Gerunds and Infinitives

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I promise that I will remember ___________ the book I borrowed from you when we see each other on Friday.
to bring
Do you remember ___________ to that little restaurant in Rome on your birthday?
I stopped ________ fifteen years ago because I had a terrible cough.
I must remember _________ my wife some flowers on our anniversary.
to get
I tried _________ the window to cool the room down, but it was hotter outside.
I tried _________ the window, but it was stuck.
to open
I forgot __________ the letter.
to post
I tried __________ the world record, but I failed.
to beat
I was walking down the street when I saw a wallet so I stopped ______ it ____ .
to pick it up
I will never forget __________ my wife for the first time.
He came here __________ (learn) English.
to learn
She went to the store __________ (get) some milk.
to get
They threatened __________ (tell) the police.
to tell
We managed __________ (climb) up the hill.
to climb
My parents never let me _________ (go out) late when I was a teenager.
go out
They seem __________ (be) in a good mood.
to be
They warned him __________ (not + miss) class.
not to miss
They ordered him __________ (get) out of the car.
to get
They enjoy __________ (play) golf.
We had a good time __________ (play) baseball.
He refused __________ (move) his car.
to move
They were surprised __________ (see) me.
to see
It is impossible __________ (find) a parking place there.
to find
She blamed me for __________ (not + try) hard enough.
not trying
They stopped him from __________ (cheat) on the test.
We are looking forward to __________ (see) you.
I'm tired of __________ (play) that video game.
She used __________ (play) the piano.
to play
He forgave me for __________ (hit) his car.
She talked about __________ (become) a doctor.
That box is too heavy __________ (lift) by yourself.
to lift
__________ (play) tennis is good exercise.