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Review of Units 1-3 Open World B2 Cambridge

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I can't go to the park with you.
I haven't done my homework yet.
I didn't do my homework yet.
I wasn't doing my homework yet.
I haven't been doing my homework yet.
When I was younger, I ______ a lot of sport. But now I get tired after running fifty meters!
was used to doing
used to doing
would to do
was used to do
When I was a teenager, my friends and I ____ hours in the shopping centre.
used to spend
used to spending
would spending
didn't used to spend
IS THIS SENTENCE CORRECT? "You could try watching more series in English."
IS THIS SENTENCE CORRECT? "I would suggest you to talk to a professional."
NO. I would suggest TALKING to a professional.
COMPLETE WITH A PASSIVE FORM: I hate _____ (tell) what to do by my boss.
being told
I ______ (join) a gym if I didn’t have classes all the time.
would join
I will fail this exam unless a miracle ______ (happen)!
IS THIS SENTENCE CORRECT? "If I missed the tram, I'll be late for work."
NO. If I MISS the tram, I'll be late for work.
IS THIS SENTENCE CORRECT? "If I join the gym, I'll get fit."
IS THIS SENTENCE CORRECT? "I won't do that if I were you!"
NO. I WOULDN'T do that if I were you!
IS THIS SENTENCE CORRECT? "You should avoid to eat junk food if you're serious about losing weight."
NO. You should avoid EATING
IS THIS SENTENCE CORRECT? "One of the worst things about air travel is the turbulence."
IS THIS SENTENCE CORRECT? "We would live in New York when I was a kid."
COMPLETE WITH THE CORRECT FORM OF THE VERB: I tried ______ (learn) German, but it was too difficult so I gave up.
to learn
Tom and Tim finished the race at the same time. - AS - Tom ran just _________ Tim in the race.
as fast as
Long TIME, no see!
Hugo has adapted quickly to living in Germany. - GOT - Hugo's quickly __________ in Germany.
got used to living
Previously, Alex was a sales assistant at his mom's clothing shop. - EMPLOYED - Alex used _________ a sales assistant at his mom's clothing shop.
to be employed as
It's possible that it's going to rain later today. - TRANSFORM THIS SENTENCE USING A MODAL VERB OF POSSIBILITY.
It might rain later today.
It's obvious that the man with the sunglasses is the host of the party. - BE - The man with the sunglasses ________ the host of the party.
must be
WHO IS IT? The son of your sister.
Your nephew
WHO IS IT? The daughter of your husband (but not your biological daughter)
Your stepdaughter
WHO IS IT? The mother of your husband.
Your mother-in-law
COMPLETE WITH A PASSIVE FORM: Over a billion items _____________ (sell) on Ebay since it started in 1995.
have been sold
COMPLETE WITH A PASSIVE FORM: Our dog ______________ (look after) by a family friend at the moment.
is being looked after
MAKE THIS SENTENCE ACTIVE: All mobile devices must be switched off during the flight.
Everyone must switch off their mobile devices during the flight. / You must switch off all mobile devices during the flight.
ORDER THIS SENTENCE: social media / said / lonely / that / made / is / often / it / more / feel / people / has
It is often said that social media has made people feel more lonely.
At the weekend, I usually spend my free time with my friends in the park. - At the weekend, I usually _________ my friends in the park.
hang out with
look down on
keep up with
meet on with
I'm really worried ______ the test next week.
Everyone knows that fruit juice contains a lot of sugar. ALTHOUGH / NEVERTHELESS, many people let their children drink it every day.
You should go for a walk after dinner DESPITE / RATHER THAN sitting on the sofa and watching TV.
rather than
DESPITE / EVEN THOUGH the bad weather, they went ahead with the race.
I stay fit by running three times a week. - I ________ by running three times a week.
keep in shape
keep at shape
keep on shape
keep to shape
We weren't sure whether our team would win. - It was _________ whether our team would win.
touch and go
in and out
up and over
see and say
You should try to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet. - It is a good idea to _______ on sugar.
cut down
cut out
keep track of
go down
Unfortunately, I just couldn't run as fast as them. - Unfortunately, I just couldn't ________ them.
keep up with
keep track of
look forward to
cut down on
It is important to monitor how you're doing. - Always try to __________ your progress.
keep track of
keep up to
keep under
keep forward to