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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We should limit _____ our use of this technology.
We should limit our use of this technology.
This bracelet is made _____ gold.
This bracelet is made of gold.
The training session consists _____ three parts.
The training session consists of three parts.
We finally succeeded _____ convincing them.
We finally succeeded in convincing them.
I'm not sure we're going to go; it depends _____ the weather.
I'm not sure we're going to go; it depends on the weather.
You can pay _____ it _____ credit card.
You can pay for it by credit card.
They're always complaining _____ something.
They're always complaining about something.
Do you believe _____ God?
Do you believe in God?
It won't be easy to prepare _____ this test.
It won't be easy to prepare for this test.
My colleague insisted _____ paying _____ lunch.
My colleague insisted on paying for lunch.
He resigned _____ his job last month.
He resigned from his job last month.
She applied _____ several universities.
She applied to several universities.
Are you going to apply _____ that job?
Are you going to apply for that job?
They accused him _____ breaking the law.
They accused him of breaking the law.
We need to register _____ the conference soon.
We need to register for the conference soon.
This is something I’ve worked with him _____ before.
This is something I’ve worked with him on before.
They need to respect _____ our decision.
They need to respect our decision.
They hope to participate _____ the workshop.
They hope to participate in the workshop.
The report consists _____ three parts.
The report consists of three parts.
Does she really plan to marry ______ him?
Does she really plan to marry him?
Do you think this tie matches _____ my suit?
Do you think this tie matches my suit?
I guess it depends _____ the situation.
I guess it depends on the situation.
She wasn't able to attend _____ the ceremony.
She wasn't able to attend the ceremony.
We'll arrange _____ a taxi to pick you up.
We'll arrange for a taxi to pick you up.
He finally apologized _____ what he said.
He finally apologized for what he said.
I don't approve _____ what they're doing.
I don't approve of what they're doing.
He never listens _____ what I say.
He never listens to what I say.
I'm not sure. You should probably ask _____ someone else.
You should probably ask someone else.
I really appreciate _____ your help.
I really appreciate your help.
They didn't abide _____ the rules.
They didn't abide by the rules.
Why does he object _____ that idea?
Why does he object to that idea?
Are you planning ____ attending the conference?
Are you planning on attending the conference?
I'm looking forward _____ seeing you tomorrow.
I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
I meant to call but I never got around _____ it.
I meant to call but I never got around to it.
He finally admitted _____ doing it.
He finally admitted to doing it.
Shouldn't we get rid _____ that old coffee machine?
Shouldn't we get rid of that old coffee machine?
He's dealing _______ the problem right now.
He's dealing with the problem right now.
They've been struggling _____ this issue for a long time.
They've been struggling with this issue for a long time.
It isn't easy for them to accept ________ the situation.
It isn't easy for them to accept the situation.
We cater directly ____ our client's needs.
We cater directly to our client's needs.
This will surely benefit ______ the company.
This will surely benefit the company.
We need to access ______ those files.
We need to access those files.