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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What song is this?
The Lazy Song
What Sean Mendes song is this?
What song is Twice singing?
Cheer up
What group is this?
What song is BTS singing?
Fake Love
What is the name of this singer (or his group) who sang "Last Christmas"?
George Michael (Wham!)
What is this American singer?
Elvis Presley
What is the name of this 60's pop group from England?
The Beatles
What's the name of this Maroon 5 song?
Girls Like You
What is the name of this Japanese group?
What is the name of this group?
Wonder girls
What Psy song is this?
What Red Velvet song is this?
Russian Roulette
What Blackpink song is this?
What Blackpink song is this?
As if it's your last
What song is Lady Gaga singing?
Bad Romance
What Maroon 5 song is this?
Moves like Jagger
What Maroon 5 song is this?
What Maroon 5 song is this?
What song is One Direction singing?
That's what makes you beautiful
What Taylor Swift song is this?
What Justin Bieber song is this?
Love yourself
Who is this singer?
Katy Perry
Who is the group?