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Advice & Obligation

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Two things you SHOULD FIND OUT about a country before you visit it.
Three things you SHOULDN'T DO if you break up with your partner.
Three things you SHOULDN'T DO if you have the flu.
Two things you MUST DO if you've been invited to a wedding.
Two things you MUST THINK about before buying a new phone.
Three things you SHOULDN'T DO on the night before an exam.
Two things you SHOULD DO and two things you SHOULDN'T DO when you have a job interview.
Three things you SHOULDN'T DO before you go to bed.
Three things you HAVE TO BUY next month.
Three household chores you HAVE TO DO this weekend.
Three things you HAVE TO DO after class today.
Three things you HAVE TO TAKE with you if you go abroad.
Three things you MUST DO before you get on an airplane.
Three things you DON'T HAVE TO DO if you shop online.
Three things you CAN'T DO in a library.
Three things you CAN'T DO before you are 18 years old.
Three things you MUST DO if you want to improve your English.
Three things you HAVE TO DO every day.
Three things you MUSTN'T DO in a cinema.
Three things you MUST DO if you want to lose weight.
Three places you CAN'T GO INTO without paying.
Three things a teacher HAS TO DO before a class.
Three things you MUSTN'T DO in a restaurant.
Three things you HAVE TO DO if you have a pet.
Three things you CAN'T DO in a park.
Three things you DON'T HAVE TO DO when you are on holiday.
Three things you MUSTN'T DO when you are driving a car.