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Breakthrough Plus Intro - Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Unit 12: going shopping, visiting landmarks, and seeing things in a new place is called ____________.
The Louvre is an example of a __________.
Name 3 things people like to do on vacation (talk for at least 10 seconds)
Free speaking ...
Sports: Butterfly, freestyle, and breast stroke are some techniques you can do in this sport.
Sports: This sport requires 11 players per side.
Soccer / football
Sports: this sport has 6 players per side. You can bump, spike, and block.
Sports: This sport requires at least 2 people, rackets, and a yellow ball.
Tell me three things you like doing in you leisure time. (use complete, full sentences)
What do they like to do in their free time? (use correct grammar)
They like to read books. / They like reading books.
What does he like to do in his leisure time? (use correct grammar)
He likes to play video games.
What's another word for "free time" we learned in unit 9? (10 seconds)
leisure time
Who's your favorite singer? (use correct grammar)
My favorite singer is ... I like ...
Who's you favorite actor? (use correct grammar)
My favorite actor is ... I like ....
Tell me 3 things you're interested in...
Free speaking... "I'm interested in..."
A: I have family in Tokyo. B: Oh, are you ___________ (Nationality)
Name the nationality.
Name the nationality.
What do they do? (use correct grammar)
They are soccer players.
What does she do? (use correct grammar)
She's a doctor.
What does he do? (use the correct grammar)
He's a police officer.
Describe your family (unit 2)
Free speaking...
______ did you watch a movie with?
A: ______ did you go to Jeju island? B: I went there last summer.
Talk for 10 seconds: What did you do on the weekend? (use the correct tense).
Free Speaking