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Journey to the Centre of the Earth

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's this?
A crater
What are these?
What's this?
A cave
What's this?
What is this?
a lamp
What does Hans do after the journey?
He goes back to Iceland.
What does Axel do after the journey?
He marries Grauben.
What does the Professor do after the journey?
He writes a book.
When they arrive back in Germany, how are they received?
Like heroes
After flying through the air, where do they land?
Sicily, Italy
The volcano ...........and they fly to the air, landing on the ground.
What are they sailing through when they are in the last tunnel?
After blowing up the rock, do they travel on foot?
No, they don't. They travel by raft.
What do they use gunpowder for?
To blow up a rock
Axel finds a knife. After that, what does the Professor see on a rock?
The letters A.S.
When they reach land again, they see .............. and a caveman.
When they are sailing across the underground sea, there is a storm with lots of ....
When they are sailing, they see two ......................fighting.
sea monsters
Hans makes a ...........to sail across the underground sea.
Axel gets lost in the tunnel. He's alone in the dark because he broke his .....
They are very .................because they haven't got any water to drink.
They walk during 5 days, up and down, in the ................
They climb down the volcano and use a ........ to find their way.
In Iceland, Axel and the Professor meet Hans. He is a ...............
Axel and the Professor decide to ............. to Iceland and see the volcano.
"Snaefells" is an old .............in Iceland.
The "secret message" gives directions how to find the .............
centre of the Earth
The professor and Axel find a ....... ........inside the book.
secret message
Saknussemm was an old Icelandic ...(job)
Axel is Professor Lidenbrock's ...
Professor Otto Lidenbrok lives in ...