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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where should people go in a snow storm?
People should stay inside!
Where should people go in a tornado?
People should go underground.
Where should people go in a flood?
People should go to high places.
Which is the worst kind of weather? Why?
Which dangerous weather causes the most damage? Why?
Great job!
Is this normal weather or dangerous weather?
This is normal weather!
Is this normal weather or dangerous weather?
This is normal weather.
What dangerous weather is this?
This is a flood.
What dangerous weather is this?
This is a snow storm.
Is this normal weather or dangerous weather?
This is dangerous weather.
What dangerous weather is this?
This is a snow storm.
Is this normal weather or dangerous weather?
This is dangerous weather
What dangerous weather is this?
This is a hurricane.
Is this normal weather or dangerous weather?
This is dangerous weather.
Is this normal weather or dangerous weather?
This is dangerous weather.
What dangerous weather is this?
This is a torndao.
What is this?
This is rain.
What is this?
This is wind!
What is this?
This is snow!
What kind of weather is this?
This is cloudy weather.
What kind of weather is this?
This is sunny weather.