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Would You Rather Thanksgiving Edition

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Would you rather eat raw pumpkin or eat raw cranberries?
Good answer!
Would you rather eat an entire onion or uncooked corn on the cob?
Great answer!
Would you rather always feel too full or always feel a little hungry?
Awesome choice!
Would you rather play in an NFL football game (with the football skills you have now) or sing at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade (with the singing abilities you have now)?
Good answer!
Would you rather eat Thanksgiving dinner with a celebrity of your choice or with your own family?
Would you rather take an expensive Thanksgiving vacation or eat an expensive Thanksgiving dinner?
Great answer!
Would you rather get $100 dollars for every slice of pie you ate, or get $1,000 for eating no Thanksgiving food at all?
Would you eat a burnt Thanksgiving dinner or an undercooked Thanksgiving dinner?
Great job!
Would you rather eat a Thanksgiving meal with just your hands, or have to open your Christmas presents using a fork?
Great choice!
Would you rather eat an entire pumpkin pie or drink the whole gravy boat?
Would you rather go Black Friday shopping or watch Thanksgiving football?
Good answer!
Would you rather wash your hair with mashed potatoes or with stuffing?
Would you rather wear a pilgrim hat to school and work for all of November, or eat Thanksgiving food for every day of November?
Would you rather always smell like turkey or always smell like gravy?
Would you rather take a nap after the meal or watch a football game?
Good answer!
Would you rather eat Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant or at home?
Would you rather cook the Thanksgiving meal or clean up the dishes?
Would you rather have two days of Thanksgiving or two days of Christmas?
Would you rather eat an entire turkey by yourself or eat all the Thanksgiving stuffing by yourself?
Good Answer!