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Costa Rican Christmas

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What's the weather like in Costa Rica in December?
Sunny and windy!
What is this?
A poinsettia. we call them "Pastoras"
Who are they?
Wise Men. We call them "Reyes Magos"
What are these?
Christmas lights!
What kind of meat it this?
Pork. It's the traditional meal on Christmas eve, but people eat all sorts of food.
What is this? (it's not milk)
Eggnog, we call it "Rompope" and it's made with or without alcohol (rum)
What is this? (hint: It's a parade)
Festival de la Luz (Festival of Lights)
What is this?
Presents or gifts.
What is this?
Christmas tree
What is this?
Nativity scene. We call it "Portal" or "Pasito".
Who is this?
Saint Joseph
Who is this?
Virgin Mary.
Who is this?
Baby Jesus. We also call him "El Niño". In most families, he's the one in charge of the presents, not Santa.
What is this?
Tamal! They're traditional and delicious. They may have rice, pork meat, bell pepper and peas inside.
Who is this?
Santa Claus! (In Costa Rica we also call him Colacho)