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geographical features & elements of nature

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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large natural elevation of the earth's surface, where you can e.g. go skiing
an area of land overgrown with dense forest and tangled vegetation, typically in the tropics
hard, solid matter of which rock is made
a type of small, green plant with narrow leaves that is mowed when it grows in the garden
a type of a big plant, with branches and leaves
a tree
a large area of water (but smaller than the sea), surrounded by land
an area of land, usually planted with crops
a low area of land, usually between hills or mountains
a small, narrow river
a group of organisms that feed on organic matter; it includes yeast or mould
the leaves of trees or other plants
an extremely dry area covered in sand
a desert
an area of land near the sea
a beach
a raised area of land, usually smaller than a mountain
a hill
a large body of water flowing into the sea or into a lake
an area with a lot of trees
a narrow way which appears when people walk over it many times
a path
a steep face of rock or earth, especially one located near the sea
a cliff