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Functions! What do you do that with?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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tie your shoes
with a shoelace
Tell the tie
with a clock/watch/phone
screw in a screw
with a screwdriver
start your car
with a key
charge your phone
with a charger
see your face
with a mirror
do math calculations
with a calculator
keep warm outside
with a jacket/coat
slide down a snowy hill
with a sled
toast your bread
with a toaster
reheat your coffee
with a microwave
See more clearly
with glasses
clean the carpet
with a vacuum
dust the furniture
with a rag
spread the peanut butter
with a knife
cut the paper
with a scissors
climb to the roof
with a ladder
water the garden
with a hose/sprinkler
Cool off your drink
with an ice cube
Call your grandma
with a phone
mail a letter
with a stamp/envelope
dig a hole in the ground
with a shovel
shovel the driveway
with a shovel
mow the lawn
with a lawn mower
pay for your new shoes
with money
keep your hands warm in winter
with mittens or gloves
wash your hair
with shampoo
wash your hands
with soap and water
dry yourself off
with a towel
stir the batter
with a spoon
sweep the floor
with a broom
blow your nose
with a tissue
paint a picture
with a paintbrush
write on paper
with a pencil
play go fish
with cards
chew your food
with your teeth
pedal your bike
with pedals
stop your bike
with brakes
steer your car
with a steering wheel
steer your car
with a steering wheel
catch a fish
with a fishing pole
wash your hair
with shampoo
eat cereal
with a spoon
pound in nails
with a hammer