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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Researchers are looking into the possibility of using spinning discs to cheat gravity.
Scientists a Manchester University are developing a material covered with tiny hairs that would enable a person to walk on a ceiling or up a wall.
Wall climbing
The US army has developed a device for the New York police […] designed to restrain people without causing serious injury and are shot from a type of gun.
Scientists at Johns Hopkins University have created Mighty Mouse - a genetically modified mouse with muscles two to three times larger than normal.
The Defense Science and Technology Laboratory run by the UK Ministry of Defense has developed something similar to protect tanks from grenades.
Force field
A tiny video camera is attached to the back of a coat. The image from the back of the coat is projected onto the front of the coat, which makes observers think that they can see through it.
Doctors at a children hospital in Boston have pioneered a similar way of helping terminally ill patients to re-grow organs.
Researchers are developing terahertz imaging for defense and medical purposes.
X-Ray vision
Researchers have succeeded in transmitting information about small particles across space and using this information to reassemble copies of the original particles.