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English 4th year Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The humidity sensor .... the robot getting wet (makes - stops - allows)
The robot can .... the bicycle crashing (stop - avoid - allow)
The quarantine .....the virus from spreading (stopped - prevented - allowed)
his sealed door won't .... the water to come into the basement (let - allow)
The engine turbo ....the car reach full speed (permits - makes - lets)
The sensor, located at the robot’s feet, ....it to walk back (makes - enables - lets)
The hydroelectric plant needs to.... more electricity (generate - make - cause)
Touching these keys ....the computer screen light up (make-generate-enable)
A beep in the machine ..... it to stop (CAUSES-LETS-MAKES?)
Complete the phrase and give our example: "You don't know the ............."
the half of it
"We bailed on that reality". Explain BAIL ON
to abandon
Get your S*** together - Define and exemplifly
Put it in a backpack!
to break it to someone (give example)
to give you the bad news, to give you the heads up
Example with "a figure of speech"
a way of saying
“I don’t wanna overstep my bounds” give example with "overstep..."
to go above the line
right off the get-go (define and give example)
right from the beginning, from the very first moment.
Define or give an example of "I'm in awe"
to be utterly surprised by something, in a good way.
Are you nuts? Do you think I’d buy this ---- car? If I bought it, it’d cost me a fortune to repair!
To fail or to go bankrupt, especially referring to a business or company.
to go belly up
If you find it impossible to get out of a situation or relationship, it means you are …….. (this expression is used to refer to addictions, too).
to be unable to quit
To be involved in a difficult situation that you cannot get out of. This situation has started a while ago and has gotten worse with time, but now it's too late to get out!
to be in over one's head
To receive the firing or discharge of a weapon.
get shot
To be persuaded usually by means of violence or strong cohesion.
to be roped into sth.
Somebody who breaks the law and has gradually become unaffected by extreme situations.
a hardened criminal
To regard something with a great amount of seriousness or gravity.
not to say sth. lightly
To introduce somebody to a new notion or new piece of information, usually used ironically.
Clue someone in
Come closer and have a look at the …..of galaxies in this photograph. (a group of)
The criminals were caught crossing the border as they were attempting to …. imported whisky.
" to be into something" means...
to really like something
“all” , “each” or “every”? "I practice martial arts ---- two days."