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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We need another ladder. This one isn't long ____
She isn't old _____ to start driving.
My mum can't sleep because she drinks ______ much coffee.
I didn't buy the car because it was______ expensive.
There aren't ______ policemen in our town.
He wasn't strong _______ to lift that heavy box.
That horror film was awful. It ............( scary ). I was so bored I fell asleep!
is too scary
I can't watch this match because I'm so nervous. It ....... ( exciting) !
is too exciting
It.................... ( hot ) in here. Can you open the window?
is too hot
Owen needs to improve. He ...............(good ) to be in the first team.
too good
The cartoon .......................( original ). It's exactly the same as all the others.
isn't original enough
This game show ..................... ( easy) . Everybody always wins.
too easy
This film is for adults and Corinne is only fifteen. She isn't _______ ( old) to see it.
old enough