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Order of adjectives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kind of adjective is 'expensive'
What kind of adjective is 'modern'
What kind of adjective is 'rubber'
What kind of adjective is 'Polish'
What kind of adjective is 'tiny'
What kind of adjective is 'amazing'
What kind of adjective is 'delicious'
Name five adjectives of material
Gold, silver, copper Cotton, leather, polyester, wool, silk, velvet, nylon Wooden, stone, diamond, plastic
Name five adjectives of origin
Italian, Japanese, Thai, German, French, etc.
Name five adjectives of colour
Red, blue, yellow, etc.
Name three adjectives of age
old / ancient new / young
Name three adjectives of shape.
Round / square / triangular / rectangular / flat
Name five adjectives of size.
big / huge / tall / long / enormous / small / little / tiny / short / fat
Name five adjectives of opinion.
good / bad / great / terrible beautiful / pretty / comfortable ugly / awful / strange / uncomfortable delicious / disgusting / tasty / nasty important /
A .......................... dress (velvet/comfortable/new)
A comfortable new velvet dress.
A ............ ball. (big/red)
A big red ball
I bought a pair of .................... shoes. (leather/black)
I bought a pair of black leather shoes.
An .............................. movie. (new/American/amazing)
An amazing new American movie.
Some ........................ trousers. (slim/French/new)
Some slim new French trousers.
A .......................... ornament. (pink/plastic/disgusting)
A disgusting pink plastic ornament.
A .............................. box. (square/blue/big)
A big square blue box.
A ........................... clock. (Italian/wonderful/old)
A wonderful old Italian clock.
My sister adopted a ......................... bulldog. (big/white/beautiful)
My sister adopted a beautiful big white bulldog.
Please put the marbles into that ................................ box. (old/red/round/little)
Please put the marbles into that little old round red box.
I bought a pair of ........................... boots. (new/nice/red/rain)
I bought a pair of nice new red rain boots.
I like that ......................... tractor in the museum. (antique/old/red)
I like that big old red antique tractor in the museum.
We took a ride on .......................... bus. (/Chinese/blue/old)
We took a ride on an old blue Chinese bus.
The house is ............................ (large/white)
The house is large and white