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IE 4 'on' or 'at' + past simple

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We ........... the drums ..... Tuesday. (not hear)
We didn't hear the drums on Tuesday.
She .......... a mirror ....... Christmas. (use)
She used a mirror at Christmas.
He .......... a pigeon .... the weekend. (not see)
He didn't see a pigeon at the weekend.
He ............. his homework ........ Wednesday. (not do)
He didn't do his homework on Wednesday.
They ........ for a walk ..... her birthday. (go)
They went for a walk on her birthday.
I ............ an umbrella ..... Thursday. (not take)
I didn't take an umbrella on Thursday.
What ................... the weekend? (she do)
What did she do at the weekend?
I ........ a sandwich ...... 5:45. (want)
I wanted a sandwich at quarter to six
I ............... rollerblading ....... the weekend. (not go)
I didn't go rollerblading at the weekend.
I ....... you ...... Friday. (see)
I saw you on Friday.
I ........... dinner ....... 3 o'clock. (have)
I had dinner at three o'clock.
He ............. to the cinema ........ 6.30. (not go)
He didn't go to the cinema at half past six.
We .............. songs ....... Christmas Day. ( not sing)
We sang songs on Christmas Day.
We .............. an interesting film ....... 8 o'clock.(watch)
We watched an interesting film at 8 o'clock.
He .............. pizza ....... Monday. (not eat)
He didn't eat pizza on Monday.
They .................. some cake ........... Christmas.(have)
They had some cake at Christmas.
What ......................... his birthday? (do)
What did he do on his birthday?
He................... the weekend. (play hide and seek)
He played hide and seek at the weekend.