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States of Matter

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which state of matter does this picture represent?
Condensation occurs when water vapor _____ and changes into liquid water. [A. gains heat energy] [B. loses heat energy]
Explain how a puddle of water disappears on a sunny day
The liquid water is heated by the sun. The liquid water evaporates and changes to water vapor.
What can cause matter to change states?
Adding / removing energy
Give one example of deposition
Give one example of sublimation
Dry ice, Air fresheners, moth balls
Give one example of condensation
Morning dew, foggy mirror, formation of clouds in the sky
In which state are the particles of matter very close in an organized way?
In which state are the particles of matter NOT organized and move very quickly?
What is the melting point?
100°C or 212°F
What is the freezing point?
0°C or 32°F
As the pressure of a system changes, boiling points can change in what direction? (Increase, Decrease, Both Neither?)
TRUE or FALSE: A system requires energy to change from a solid state to a liquid state.
TRUE or FALSE: The freezing point will always be a lower temperature than the boiling point.
Changing from a gas to a solid is called....
TRUE or FALSE: The reverse of the melting process is called freezing.
Changing from a solid to a gas is called....
Changing from a gas to a liquid is called....
Changing from a liquid to a gas is called....
Vaporization / Boiling
Changing from a solid to a liquid is called....
TRUE or FALSE: You can change a solid into a liquid by freezing it.
In which state of matter do molecules slide past each other?
Which state of matter does this picture represent?
Matter has 3 main states:
Solid, Liquid, Gas