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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Bicycle, bycicle OR bicicle?
Is this a van or a lorry?
A van
What is the difference between a van and a lorry?
A van is smaller than a lorry
Helicopter or helicoptor?
What is the difference between a subway and a train?
Teacher will check!
Name three modes of transport you can take to go to Madrid
Bus / Plane / Car / Train
Name a mode of transport which has wings
A plane
Name five modes of transport with wheels!
Car / Bus / Van / Lorry / Bicycle / Motorcycle / Plane
Is this a ship or a boat?
A ship!
What is this?
A van
What is this?
A tram
What is this?
A train
What is this?
A taxi
What is this?
A ship
What is this?
A plane
What is this?
A motorcycle
What is this?
The metro / subway
What is this?
A lorry
What is this?
A helicopter
What is this?
A car
What is this?
A bus
What is this?
A boat
What is this?
A bicycle
What is this?
A balloon
What is this?
An ambulance