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Breakthrough Plus 2 - Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Superlative: Seoul, city, Korea (big)
Seoul is the biggest city in Korea.
I've ________ had a laptop. a) sometime b) never c) once a month
b) never
How long _____ you had that laptop?
My boyfriend often buys me presents. He's so ______. a) dependable b)stingy c) romantic d) cheap
c) romantic
Joanna has a lot of fashionable clothing. She's very ____. a) outgoing b) stylish c) lively d) confident
b) stylish
Make a comparative sentence: water, wine (expensive)
Wine is more expensive than water.
Make a comparative sentence: pillow, rock (soft)
A pillow is softer than a rock.
Unscramble the letters to make an adventurous activity (10 seconds) tnouainu kniibg
mountain biking
Want to jump out of a plane? You can do that by doing this adventurous activity.
You can see turtles, sharks, and shipwrecks doing this adventurous activity.
scuba diving
What are you going to do on your next vacation? (3 things)
free speaking
long / how / go / for / did / you / ?
For how long did you go? / How long did you go for?
Put the words in the correct order to make questions. with / go / you / did / who / ?
Who did you go with?
I've lived here ____ ten years.
I lived there two years ____ but now I live here.
I've lived in Busan _____ 2007.
What are you going to celebrate next?
free speaking ...
Name three occasions that people celebrate.
birthdays, weddings, graduations, holidays
Talk for 15 seconds: What did you do last summer?
free speaking ...
Talk for 15 seconds: What did you do on the weekend?
Free speaking
What do they do on Saturdays? (use the correct tense)
They study Chinese.
What does John do every Friday? (use the correct tense)
John cooks every Friday.
What are they doing? (answer in the correct tense)
They are playing baseball.
What is she doing? (answer in the correct tense)
She is shopping.
What is he doing? (answer in the correct tense)
He is jogging.