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The atmosphere - revision

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which are the products of photosynthesis?
Glucose and oxygen / Food and oxygen
The goal of cellular respiration is to...
make energy
What is the purpose of photosynthesis?
Make food (glucose)
Organisms (plants, algae, some bacteria) get the energy they need for photosynthesis from sunlight. True or false?
Which gas is removed from the atmosphere during photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
(Glucose + O2 -> CO2 + H2O + energy) is the equation for...
Cellular respiration
Respiration in plants, as in animals, happens all the time (24/7). True or false?
Respiration is a process that release _______________ for the cell to use.
Where can we find nitrogen in living things?
In proteins and nucleic acids (such as DNA)
Photosynthetic organisms release this gas when they produce food.
Oxygen (O2)
Photosynthetic organisms need this gas to produce food.
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
What molecule captures light energy in plants and algae?
How much oxygen did the early atmosphere have?
Little or no oxygen gas.
Scientists believe the Earth formed... when? (give your answer in English)
4.5 or 4.6 billion years ago.
Which would correctly fill in the chart for X,Y, and Z?
X- Carbon Dioxide Y-Oxygen Z-Nitrogen
1. Which gas is represented by Gas #1?
Is ozone good or bad for humans?
Both ( in the stratosphere ozone protects us from the UV rays, but ozone can also act as a pollutant at ground level)
What happens to temperature as you go higher in the stratosphere? a) It stays the same b) It gets colder c) It gets hotter d) It is always changing
c) It gets hotter
What is the fourth atmospheric layer from the ground?
Earth is the only known planet with an atmosphere.
In the troposphere, temperature _______________ with altitude. a) decreases b) increases c) stays the same d) changes randomly
a) decreases
Why does atmospheric temperature increase with altitude in the stratosphere?
because of the presence of the ozone layer
The layers of the atmosphere are classified according to changes in...
temperature with height
What does the ozone layer protects us from?
harmful UV rays.
This layer is where weather occurs
This layer of the atmosphere contains the ozone layer
What atoms make up an ozone molecule?
3 oxygen atoms
Which is the correct order of the atmosphere layers from Earth to space?
troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere
Approximately what percentage of the air is carbon dioxide?
What caused the amount of carbon dioxide to decrease and the amount of oxygen to increase in the early atmosphere?
What formed the early atmosphere?
Volcanic activity
Which gas makes up approximately 1% of the atmosphere?
This gas makes up 21% of the dry air