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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You rest your head on it when you sleep.
It' s a pillow.
A small item of furniture in the middle of the living-room.
A coffee table
You watch "Home Alone" at Christmas using a...
Food and drinks stay fresh in it. It is a...
You use them to make the room dark.
They are the curtains.
It covers the floor in a room. It is a....
They are on the kitchen walls. You store food in them.
They are cupboards.
It is a very comfortable chair.
An armchair.
You wash your hands in the bathroom using a....
In the kitchen you eat sitting at a ........
When you do homework you sit at your ..............
You turn it on when you want to read a book.
It is a lamp.
The place where you keep the car is the ..........
Your mum cooks food on it.
It is a cooker.
You sleep on it and it is comfortable.
It is a bed.
You wash the dishes in it.
It is a sink.
You sit on it in the kitchen.
It is a chair.
The place where people cook and eat is the............
The place where you relax and watch TV is the.........
You can find a shower in this room. It is the.....
You put food and drinks in it.
It is a fridge.
It is big. It is rectangular. It has many books in it.
It is a bookcase.