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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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FIND THE MISTAKE. She worrys too much about the exams.
Worry = worries
FIND THE MISTAKE. Does John has enough money?
has = have
Make present simple questions. (John / come from New Zealand)?
Does John come from New Zealand?
Make present simple questions. (you / drink tea every morning)?
Do you like drink tea every morning?
Make present simple questions. (she / live in London)?
Does she live in London?
Make present simple questions. (you / like cake)?
Do you like cake?
Finish the sentence. Use short answer. Do Scarlet and Carlos like fish? No →
No, they don't.
Finish the sentence. Use short answer. Does Steven come from Ireland? No,
No, he doesn't.
Make a question. Billy / work / in the supermarket
Does Billy work in the supermarket?
Make a question. you / speak / English →
Do you speak English?
Finish the sentence. Use short answer.Do you like swimming? → Yes
yes, I do.
Finish the sentence. Use short answer. Does Linda read books? → Yes
Yes, she does.
Make this sentence question. We work very hard.
Do we work very hard?
Make this sentence negative. Brian wears a wedding ring.
Brian doesn't wear a wedding ring.
SHORT ANSWER. Do the girls take photos? → No,
They don't.
SHORT ANSWER. Do you like swimming? → Yes,
I do.
SHORT ANSWER. Does Linda read books? → Yes,
She does.
FIND THE MISTAKE. He doesn’t drinks tea.
drinks= drink
FIND THE MISTAKE. Why you study English?
FIND THE MISTAKE. Do they usually driving to work?
driving = drive
FIND THE MISTAKE. They has lots of free time
Has = Have
FIND THE MISTAKE. Robert playes baseball on the weekend.
Playes = Plays
FIND THE MISTAKE. He know the answer
know = knows
FIND THE MISTAKE. Does they live in Canada?
Does = Do
FIND THE MISTAKE. He go bed very early.
go = goes
We use it for routines (e.g. things we do every day or week). True or False
We use it for future plans. True or False
We use it for talking about permanent states or situations. True or False.
We use it for talking about timetables (e.g. bus or lesson timetables. True or False
We use it for general facts (e.g. scientific facts). True or False
We use it for things happening at the moment. True or False.