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What's the phrasal verb?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm sorry, but I need to _______ your offer.
turn down
Go to your room and _______ your uniform now!
take off
Class, please _______, we will go to the break.
stand up
I really like to play guitar, I think I will _______for the guitar classes.
sign up
We will need to _______ the practice for tomorrow, the coach can't come today.
put off
Can you _______ this word in the dictionary, please?
look up
You can't _______ singing all the time, it's annoying.
keep on
I think I will _______ on these guitar lessons, I think it's too difficult.
give up
My mom can't believe my brother _______ the school.
dropped out
We need to _______ with a plan.
come up
Let's _______ and give Diana a present.
chip in
It's not necessary to _______ this topic.
bring up
_______ the picture to download the pdf.
Click on
Please, _______ the correct password.
type in/key in
Can you ______ the TV, please?
turn on
You definetly _______ your mother.
look like
The hacker ______ the agency's computer.
got into