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Japan Geography Ultimate Challenge!

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About how long does Japan extend from the South to the North? How wide is it at it's widest point? What U.S. state is it's approximate size equivalent?
It's over 1,000 miles long and about 150 miles wide. It's roughly the size of California or Montana
Explain some of the basics of Bushido. What values did Ancient Samurai live by?
The "way" originates from the samurai moral values, most commonly stressing some combination of sincerity, frugality, loyalty, martial arts mastery, and honor.
Vocabulary: The code of honor and morals developed by the Japanese Samurai
Map Skills: What modern day country lies to the east of Japan, across the Pacific Ocean? Did it exist 100 years ago?
The United States. No way! The U.S. became independent in 1776.
Map skills: What sea is west of Japan?
The Sea of Japan (Also called the east Sea)
Map Skills: On which island is Mount Fuji located?
Map Skills: On which island are the Japanese Alps mountain range located?
Map Skills: On which island is the Hidaka Mountain Range located?
Vocabulary: In ancient times, Japan developed in ____________________ because it was surrounded by water.
Many of Japan's mountains are actually _______________, including Mt. Fuji, which hasn't erupted since 1707.
Tell me 3 things about Mount Fuji.
It's the highest mountain in Japan at more that 12,000 feet. It's always covered in snow and on a clear day can be seen from Tokyo.
What are the three large countries to Japan's west?
Korea, China, and Russia
Name the four main islands of Japan.
Honshu, Kyushu, Hokkaido, and Shikoku
Vocabulary: A group (or chain) of islands is called an __________________.
Today, one of the largest cities in the world is located in japan. It has 13.6 million people, over four times the size of Lost Angeles. What is it?
Which percent—90 percent, 60 percent, or 15 percent—do you think best expresses the amount of land Japan can use for agriculture?
15 %. The Kanto plain is were most farming takes place in Japan, because most of the island is mountainous.
What country influenced Japan's culture in ancient times the most?
Japan first developed in isolation because it is surrounded by water. Are oceans still significant barriers to the movement of people, goods, and ideas today?
Not as much. Modern transportation and technology have made the world "smaller" in a way
The Kanto Plain (located on the island of Honshu) is the most populated area in Japan. Why is this so?
The Kanto Plain is the most populated area in Japan because it is the largest lowland area. In addition, its soil is fertile.
What is one DISADVANTAGE to Japan's geographic location?
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What is one DISADVANTAGE to Japan's geographic location?
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What is one ADVANTAGE to Japan's geographic location?
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What is one advantage to Japan's geographic location?
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Which of the four main islands of Japan became the center of power in Ancient Japan?
The island of Honshu