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Motivate 2 Unit 9 Places to Visit (Vietnam) YE2

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The Great Wall of China is a ______ in China.
The Great Wall of China is a MONUMENT in China.
The Louvre is an ______ in Paris, France.
The Louvre is an ART GALLERY in Paris, France.
The Alcazar is a famous ______ in Segovia.
The Alcazar is a famous CASTLE in Segovia.
Nelson's Column is a famous ______ in London.
Nelson's Column is a famous STATUE in London.
There is a ______ in front of Saigon City Hall.
There is a TOWN SQUARE in front of Saigon City Hall.
Ben Thanh ______ is the oldest in Ho Chi Minh City.
Ben Thanh MARKET is the oldest in Ho Chi Minh City.
You can see fishermen who come with their catches at the ______ in Mui Ne.
You can see fishermen who come with their catches at the FISHING PORT in Mui Ne.
You can see a ______ at Bana Hills west of the city of Da Nang, in central Vietnam.
You can see a CASTLE at Bana Hills west of the city of Da Nang, in central Vietnam.
Ta Dung Lake is a ______ also known as Ha Long Bay of the Central Highlands.
Ta Dung Lake is a CAMPSITE also known as Ha Long Bay of the Central Highlands.
Ho Chi Minh City Museum of Fine Arts is a major ______ in HCMC.
Ho Chi Minh City Museum of Fine Arts is a major ART GALLERY in HCMC.
The Vinpearl Land ______ is home to more than 300 specious and strange marine creatures.
The Vinpearl Land AQUARIUM is home to more than 300 specious and strange marine creatures.
A ______, is also known as a wildlife park.
A SAFARI PARK, is also known as a wildlife park.
Ho Tay ______ is located inside the amusement park of West Lake Park,
Ho Tay WATERPARK is located inside the amusement park of West Lake Park,
This 7.2 meter ______ is a symbol of the city people’s eternal love for the founding father Ho Chi Minh.
This 7.2 meter STATUE is a symbol of the city people’s eternal love for the founding father Ho Chi Minh.
This ______ honors Mẹ Thứ and other women who passed away in 2014.
This MONUMENT honors Mẹ Thứ and other women who passed away in 2014.