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Quantity expressions for food

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How much money do you have? ________, I'm rich
A lot, lots, too much
How many candies did you eat?______ I didn't eat any candies
How much water did you drink? _______. I didn't drink any water
There aren't_____ oranges. Mention at least 3 possible answers for quantities in negative statements
any, many, enough
There isn't________ water. Mention at least 3 possibilities for negative
enough, much, any
There are_______ apples. Mention at least 3 different quantity expressions for affirmative
a lot of, plenty of, several, some, too many, a few, many
There is______ rice. Mention at least 3 possible quantity expressions for affirmative
some, a lot of, a little, too much, plenty of,
How many cookies did you eat?________, I have a stomachache, I'll get fat
A lot, too many,
How much homework have you done?______, I'm so tired
a lot, too much,
How many apples do we have?Not______, we need to buy more
not enough, not many
How much juice do we have? Not______, we need to buy some more
Not enough, not much
How many books have you read? 2 possible answers: A little, plenty, too much, several
several, plenty
How much sugar did you eat? 2 possible answers: a few, a little, a bit, lots of
a little, a bit
How many flowers did you give? 3 possible answers: ( too much, a little, a few, any, some, a lot)
A few, some, a lot
How many oranges did you eat? Choose the 3 possible answers: A lot, none, too many, a bit, too much
a lot, none, too many
How much time do you have? Choose the 2 possible answers: (none, not many, not much)
none, not much
How many cookies did you make? (choose the possible answers: too much, several, plenty, lots of)
several, plenty
How many candies did you eat? (Choose 3 possible answers: plenty, several, a lot, much)
several, plenty, a lot
There is_______ juice in the fridge ( a few or a little)
a little
There are________ oranges in the fridge (a few or a little)
a few
How much coffee do we have? _______, not much ( a little, a few)
A little
I spent__________ time working, basically all day. I'm tired (too many, too much)
too much, a lot of, lots of
Do we have any apples? Not_______, only 2 ( much, many, enough, several, plenty)
Not enough, not many
I haven't drunk______ water today. I'm thirsty
much, enough
How_______ calls did you make? (much or many)
How________ coffee did you drink? (much or many)