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Are the races during played drums the.
Drums are played during the races.
Are races the excited see to children dragon boats.
Children are excited to see the dragon boats in the races.
Lead her will she races team in the.
She will lead her team in the races.
Community unity and spirit the symbolize races the.
The races symbolize the community's spirit and unity.
The races watch to river along gather crowds.
Crowds gather along the river to watch the races.
Foods traditional enjoy families the during festival.
Families enjoy traditional foods during the festival.
With boats the colors vibrant are decorated.
The boats are decorated with vibrant colors.
Celebrates festival the traditions and heritage cultural.
The festival celebrates cultural heritage and traditions.
During outfits colorful wear races the participants.
Participants wear colorful outfits during the races.
Wore to spirits evil repel people sachets.
People wore sachets to repel evil spirits.
The races in participate to forward looks he.
He looks forward to participating in the races.
Traditional play musicians songs during festival the.
Musicians play traditional songs during the festival.
Each by riverbanks the gather people year.
People gather by the riverbanks each year.
Activities community the various holds during festival.
The community holds various activities during the festival.
Participate games children excited to in the are.
Children are excited to participate in the games.
As fast paddle they can racers the.
Racers paddle as fast as they can.
Held on is festival the lunar month fifth.
The festival is held on the fifth lunar month.
For their the cheer crowd favorite loudly team.
The crowd cheers loudly for their favorite team.
Year each festive the enjoy atmosphere spectators.
Spectators enjoy the festive atmosphere each year.
Boats the of one decorate teams.
Teams decorate one of the boats.
For the prepare festival months participants.
Participants prepare for the festival for months.
Zongzi make families together gather to.
Families gather together to make zongzi.
Rhythm the keep during drummers race the.
The drummers keep rhythm during the race.
The day of the celebrated is fifth Boat Festival Dragon the month fifth on.
The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month.