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Internet Vocabulary Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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every or all students
every or all student
Every or All People
every or all_______ rice
What is the nouns of the verb restrict?
not allowed to do or go
the top floor of a house
When he was a child he _________(collect) stamps and coins.
She ____________think her keys were in her bag but they were on the table.
She _________(recognize) his face but couldn't remember his name.
She _________(recognize) his face but couldn't remember his name?
Where _____ (do/you/go) on holiday last year?
did you go
I _______ (live) in Spain for five years from 2005 to 2010.
Animals that live in a natural place W _ _ _ _ _ _ _
clear and easy to see or understand. 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The end of a report or presentation which provides a brief review. S _ _ _ _ _ _
a body of water completely surrounded by land: _ _ _ _
romantic a) related to love or an idealized view of reality d) a type of movie containing a love story c) both a and B d) A person from Rome
graceful means a) great at racing b) full of greatness c) capable of pleasing movements or containing nice shapes d) a large fruit
c-capable of pleasing movements or containing nice shapes
KMITL, LOL, and ASEAN are all examples of: a) abbreviations b) acronyms c) synonyms
KMITL, LOL, and ASEAN are all examples of: a) abbreviations b) acronyms c) synonyms
What is the name of the meal between breakfast and lunch?
forecast a) a cat that is on front b) a type of weather c) a prediction d) a TV show with 4 people
domestic a) local b) not international c) something around the house d) all of the above
CEO stands for a) Chicken Engineer Orange b) Chief Executive Officer c) Chris Eats Omlettes
intend a) to mean to do something b) the verb of the noun intention c) both a and b d) something they say at seven eleven
orbit a) a small piece of data b) 1/10th of a byte c) the curved path of an object that goes around another object
c) the curved path of an object that goes around another object
Pioneering a-involving new ideas or methods b- a store at Pantip Plaze c-something tour mother would never do
Pioneering a-involving new ideas or methods
Prospect a) a possibility b) to dig for gold or other items in the ground c) both a and b d) someone who is not an amatuer
Prospect a) a possibility
extensive a) large in amount or scale b) not cheap c) too expensive d) too difficult
extensive a) large in amount or scale
swathe a) to wrap up a baby in a blanket b) to get dressed quickly c) a large area
c) a large area
transform a) a monster b) change c) go from one place to another
affordable means: a) can be driven like a car b) a car that is a Ford c) very expensive d) can be bought or acquired at a reasonable price
d) can be bought or acquired at a reasonable price
ecstatic a) very excited and thrilled b) an egg that is not moving c) an egg that is moving very fast
ecstatic a) very excited and thrilled
launch means a) give an opinion b) establish something new or propel into the air c) a meal after breakfast but before lunch
b) establish something new or propel into the air