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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What clothing company does this logo represent?
What clothing company does this logo represent?
Under Armor
What does Justin Bieber have on his arm?
What is the name of this footwear?
What country is lederhosen worn in?
What is NOT a name for these? a. Tennis shoes b. Sneakers c. Flyers d. Trainers
c. Flyers
What is the formal suit that David Beckham is wearing? a. Business suit b. Zoot suit c. Oscars suit d. Tuxedo
d. Tuxedo
What is this item of fashion?
necktie (tie)
What is the name of this women's item of clothing?
What type of pants is he wearing?
Blue jeans
What is the name of this hairstyle? a. Mullet b. Mohawk c. Beehive d. Buzzcut
b. Mohawk
What is he wearing on his head? a. Bandana b. Scarf c. Wrap d. Chupacabra
a. Bandana
What is Taylor Swift wearing?
What is the name of this headwear for winter? a. Ear plugs b. Ear screens c. Ear muffs d. Ear Kittens
c. Ear muffs
What is this women's bag called?
What are these footwear called?
What is this VN outfit called? (formal)
Áo gấm
What is this fashion from Korea called?
What is this fashion from Japan called?
What is this VN neckwear called?
Khăn rằn
What is this VN headwear called?
nón lá
What is this VN outfit called?
Áo dài
What is this VN outfit called?
Áo bà ba
What is the stage where the fashion models walk called?
The runway