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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You are interviewing a social media star who has recently hit 10 million subscribers.
Mayor + city resident. Your city is dirty and polluted. Try to persuade the mayor to make the city eco-friendly and modern. How can you do that? The mayor doesn't agree with you, be very convincing
Home buyer + estate agent. Home buyer has to choose a property from estate agents on offer. Estate agents only have one or two houses in their portfolio which they are very keen to sell.
You are a coach. Your team is having an important game tomorrow. One of the players of your team is unmotivated. Try to inspire and motivate him/her
You have to make a group project. One of your classmates in your group isn’t doing anything. Talk to him/her about the situation
You’ve accidently broken a very expensive wine glass in a restaurant. The manager is angry. Talk to him/her
You’ve arrived at the hotel and see that the room facilities are awful and not as promised on the website. Talk to a manager
Siblings. You're annoyed bc your brother/sister is always borrowing your things. Your sibling can't see what the problem is
Parent + teenager. You're planning the family summer holiday. Parent wants to go on camping, while teenager would rather have a beach holiday in a resort. Teenager has to try to persuade his/her parent everyone will be happier in a hotel
Journalist + celebrity. You've just found the phone number of a famous person, you decide to call and ask him / her for an interview.
In a taxi. Taxi driver + passenger. Giving directions
At a classroom. Teacher + student. Student complaining about his/her mark
At a restaurant. Waiter + customer. Complaining about the food
A balcony. 2 neighbors. Drinking coffee together and gossiping
At office. A job interview