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Dynamic & State verbs

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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That book ______ (look) interesting. Can I borrow it?
looks: Look is a state verb in this use, so we don’t use it in continuous tenses.
Max isn’t here this afternoon. He _____ (play) tennis.
is/’s playing: Play is a dynamic verb, so we use the present continuous for something happening now.
Yes, I’ll come to the cinema with you. I _____ (love) Bond movies!
love: Love is a state verb, so we don’t use it in continuous tenses.
How many brothers and sisters _____ (you / have)?
do you have: Have is a state verb in this use, so we don’t use it in continuous tenses.
It's hot today. Why _____ (you / wear) a coat and a scarf?
are you wearing: Wear is a dynamic verb, so we use the present continuous for something happening now.
Samuel hates talking on the phone in French because he ____ (not understand) anything.
doesn’t understand: Understand is a state verb, so we don’t use it in continuous tenses.
What ____ (you / do)? Be more careful. This camera is very expensive.
are you doing: Do is a dynamic verb, so we use the present continuous for something happening now.
I___ (never / watch) the same film twice
never watch: We use the present simple for regular or repeated actions in the present.
2 I've already told the police everything I know. I'm afraid I ___(not remember) anything else
don’t remember: Remember is a state verb, so we don’t use it in continuous tenses.
My brother ___ (work) as a waiter this summer to earn some money for a new car.
is/’s working: Work is a dynamic verb, so we use the present continuous for something happening now.