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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I played tennis but now I play soccer.
I used to play tennis but now I play soccer.
I played the piano but now I play guitar.
I used to play the piano but now I play guitar.
I visited my grandparents every week but now I don’t.
I used to visit my grandparents every week but now I don’t.
I studied hard but now I don’t.
I used to study hard but now I don’t.
I worked on the weekends but now I don’t.
I used to work on the weekends but now I don’t.
I had curly hair but now it’s straight.
I used to have curly hair but now it’s straight.
They watched soccer on TV but now they watch baseball.
They used to watch soccer on TV but now they watch baseball.
I had one sister but now I have two.
I used to have one sister but now I have two.
I liked chocolate, but now I don’t.
I used to like chocolate, but now I don’t.
My mom loved ice cream but now she doesn't.
My mom used to love ice cream but now she doesn't.
I was 10 years old but now I’m 11.
I used to be 10 years old but now I’m 11.
My dad was bald but now he has lots of hair.
My dad used to be bald but now he has lots of hair.
I liked vegetables but now I hate them.
I used to like vegetables but now I hate them.
I played video games but now I play phone games.
I used to play video games but now I play phone games.
I lived in Paris but now I live in Spain.
I used to live in Paris but now I live in Spain.
Jerry was the best student in the class but now Lena is the best.
Jerry used to be the best student in the class but now Lena is the best.
I drank coffee every morning but now I drink tea.
I used to drink coffee every morning but now I drink tea.
She lived in London, but now she lives in New York.
She used to live in London, but now she lives in New York.
I walked to school with mom, but now I don’t.
I used to walk to school with my mom, but now I don't.
My dog was a puppy but now it’s big.
My dog used to be a puppy, but now it's big.
We went to the movies every week but now we stay home.
We used to go to the movies every week but now we stay home.
I ate fast food but now I cook.
I used to eat fast food, but now I don't.
I liked orange juice but now I like apple juice.
I used to like orange juice but now I like apple juice.
I liked her, but now I don’t.
I used to like her but now I don't