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Future Forms B2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ivan wasn't feeling well earlier, so he _____ (not be) in the lesson today.
...he might not be in the lesson today.
Do you think there _____ (be) another coronavirus lockdown this winter?
Do you think there will be...?
I'm not sure what I want to do yet, but I _____ (go) to the zoo on Saturday.
I might/could/may go...
She _____ (likely win) the competition, as she's one of the best athletes in Ukraine.
She's likely to win...
The weather report says it _____ (rain) today, so I think I _____ take my umbrella.
it is going to rain / I'll take / I'm going to take
The next bus _____ (arrive) in about 10 minutes.
The next bus arrives / is due to arrive...
He never pays attention in class. He _____ (probably not pass) the exam.
He probably won't pass the exam.
I _____ (eat) dinner at Puzata Hata, and after that I _____ (probably go) for a walk in the park.
I'm going to eat... / I'll probably go...
I _____ (visit) all the best chocolate shops when I'm in Lviv.
I'm going to visit all the best chocolate shops when I'm in Lviv.
We _____ (fly) to Dubai on Friday, and we _____ (stay) in a five-star hotel.
We're flying to Dubai on Friday, and we're staying in a five-star hotel.
I _____ (exercise) at the gym after today's lesson.
I'm going to exercise at the gym after today's lesson
Christmas day _____ (be) on Friday this year.
Christmas day will be on Friday this year.
The next train _____ (leave) at 7:30.
The next train leaves at 7:30
The president _____ (give) a speech to the United Nations on Monday.
The president is due to... / The president is giving...
I _____ (go) to the lesson tomorrow, so I can give the teacher your homework if you want.
I'll be going... / I'm going...
It's so cold and cloudy today. It _____ (snow).
It's going to snow.
I _____ (visit) the dentist next Friday.
I'm visiting the dentist next Friday.
The exam _____ (be) next week.
The exam is next week. / The exam will be next week.
I'm tired. I think _____ (go) to bed.
I think I'll go to bed.