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Internet Safety

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's an important reason to keep your software and apps updated?
To fix security vulnerabilities and bugs
To slow down your device
To make sure you have the latest features
To use more data and storage space
What's a safe way to set up online accounts?
Use a nickname or pseudonym instead of your real name
Use your real name and personal information in your username
Share your password with friends
Use the same password for all your accounts
Which of the following is NOT a safe way to handle cyberbullying?
Block the person bullying you
Stand up to the bully and respond with insults
Keep evidence of the bullying
Talk to a trusted adult or authority about what's happening
What should you do if you encounter inappropriate content online?
Report it to a trusted adult or authority
Share it with friends
Ignore it and continue browsing
Post about it on social media
What's an important step to take before downloading a mobile app?
Read reviews and ratings from other users
Download the app from any website
Share the app link with friends
Download the app without checking any information
What's a good way to recognize a phishing email?
Check the sender's email address and spelling mistakes
Click on any links in the email
Ignore the email and move it to the spam folder
Reply to the email with personal information
Which of the following is a safe way to use public Wi-Fi?
Use a virtual private network (VPN)
Share personal information freely
Connect without any security measures
Keep your device unlocked for anyone to access
What's a good way to keep your personal information safe online?
Keep it to yourself and don't share it online
Share it with anyone who asks for it
Post it on social media to let everyone know
Write it down on a public forum for everyone to see
What should you do if you're spending too much time online?
Take a break and go outside for some fresh air
Keep using the internet as much as you want
Ignore the problem and keep using the internet
Use the internet even more to distract yourself
How can you tell if a website is secure for online shopping?
It has a padlock icon in the address bar
It asks for your personal information right away
It has lots of pop-up ads
It doesn't have any reviews or ratings
What should you do if you witness cyberbullying online?
Report the bullying to a trusted adult or authority
Join in and bully the person too
Ignore it and hope it stops on its own
Laugh at the person being bullied
Which of the following is a safe way to download apps?
Download apps from official app stores
Download apps from any website
Download apps from emails with links
Download apps from random websites found through search engi
What should you do if someone you don't know tries to add you as a friend on social media?
Decline the friend request and block the person
Accept the friend request without hesitation
Ask them for personal information to confirm their identity
Share your location with them to meet up
Which of the following is a safe way to share photos online?
Share photos only with friends and family
Share photos publicly with everyone
Share photos with strangers to make new friends
Share photos with everyone but blur out faces
What should you do if you receive a suspicious email or message with a link?
Ignore the message and delete it
Click on the link to see what it is
Forward the message to all your contacts
Immediately click on the link to report it to the website
Which of the following is a good way to keep your online accounts safe?
Using strong, unique passwords for each account
Using the same password for all accounts
Sharing your password with friends
Writing passwords down on a sticky note