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P4 Fantastic Stories Review Game

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this mythical creature?
A unicorn
Can you put this sentence in past tense? The giant wakes up when Jack steals the golden harp.
The giant woke up when Jack stole the golden harp.
What is this? Who might use it?
A magic wand, A witch/wizard
Think of three adjectives to describe dragons
terrifying, fierce, scary...
Snow White's stepmother gave her a ______________ apple
How did the frog prince turn into a handsome prince?
He was kissed by the princess.
Who is the villain in this story? Where does he live?
The troll under the bridge
Can you reorder this sentence? there / king. / a / country / by / upon / bear / a / time, / a / Once / greedy / was / ruled
Once upon a time, there was a country ruled by a greedy bear king.
What is the name of this legend?
The sword in the stone
What did the three little pigs use to build their houses?
straw, sticks, bricks
An adjective that means when someone loves the way they look (they are always looking in the mirror).
Can you reorder this sentence? half / mermaid / A / is / creature / and / fish / mythical / half / that / is / woman / a
A mermaid is a mythical creature that is half woman and half fish
What is this creature?
Who is this? Name three adjectives to describe him.
Wizard / Wise, Intelligent, Kind...
What fairy tale is this?
Snow White and the seven dwarves
Can you reorder this sentence? giant's / the / up / stalk / climbed / to / He / home / the
He climbed up the stalk to the giant's home