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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_____ sentence is correct.
The sentence is correct.
This is ______ car I bought yesterday.
This is the car I bought yesterday.
______ elephant is a vegetarian.
The elephant is a vegetarian.
Our city will have _____ university soon.
Our city will have a university soon.
____ meat you cooked tasted good.
The meat you cooked tasted good.
____ thief was sent to prison.
The thief was sent to prison.
____ apples I bought are sour.
The apples I bought are sour.
Please give me _____ useful gift.
Please give me a useful gift.
Enzo was ____ best student in the class.
Enzo was the best student in the class.
India will become ____ super power shortly.
India will become a super power shortly.
I want to eat _____ apple.
I want to eat an apple.
It is ____ absurd story.
It is an absurd story.
Let us go to ____ restaurant and have coffee.
Let us go to a restaurant and have some coffee.
He hopes to join ____ university soon.
He hopes to join a university soon.
I go to São Paulo by ____ Gol airlines.
I go to São Paulo by Gol airlines.
Let us play _____ chess.
Let us play chess.
He is _____ European footballer.
He is a European footballer.
Taj Mahal is built of _____ marble.
Taj Mahal is built of marble.
He is _____ honest officer.
He is an honest officer.
____ unit means a measurement.
The unit means a measurement.
____ lion is a ferocious animal.
The lion is a ferocious animal.
She wants to become _______ engineer.
She wants to become an engineer.
_____ oranges are grown in Brazil.
Oranges are grown in Brazil.
New York is _______ large city.
New York is a large city.