Edit Game
Gold Pre First Units 1 and 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My colleague keeps stealing my lunch. I'm A_______
This story is very funny. IĀ“m A_______
Have you ever forgotten _______ an important event?
I work _____ a family run business.
I (not used to/not would) like fish.
didn't used to likeĀ 
I (used to/would) visit my aunt every summer when I was younger.
used to/wouldĀ 
______ a week, _______ last month, ______ three days, _______ she was young
for a week, since last month, for three days, since she was young
______(you/already/see) this? - Yes, I ______(see) it yesterday.
Have you already seenĀ  ; sawĀ 
I _____(have) this car for 2 years.
have hadĀ 
I ______(see) Jack earlier, he ______(be) in the kitchen.
saw ; wasĀ 
Kate _______(be) to Austria 3 times since her friend _______(move) there 3 years ago.
has been ; movedĀ 
Sarah ________(stay) with her cousin this summer. She _______(stay) with her every summer.
is staying ; staysĀ 
He usually ________(drink) coffee, but today he_______(drink) tea.
drinks ; drinkingĀ 
He proposed! IĀ“m E_________
come and collect/lift: PICK ______
pick up
discover by chance/learn information: FIND ______
find out
We always G_____ together on Sundays for a coffee.
get togetherĀ 
I can _________(help) you study if you'd like.
I am happy ___________(see) that youĀ“re feeling better.
to seeĀ 
Would you be interested in ___________(go) for dinner?
She hopes _____________(study) medicine.
to study
IĀ“m looking forward to __________(meet) you.