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Talking about yourself in detail!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are you going to do in the coming summer holiday?
Example answer: I am going to take a summer vacation to Singapore. I am going to go to summer camp. I am going to go to summer school to learn more.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?
Example answer: I want to own my own business because I can make lots of money and help my mom.
If you face difficulties / problems, what will you do?
Example answer: I sit down and relax and think about the problem. I think about how I can make it better or do better.
About future: Do you have a dream? What is it?
Example answer: I have a dream to have a big house and help my mom when I grow up.
Can you introduce one book which you find most interesting?
Example answer: A book that I find interesting is (name of book). Example: A book that I find interesting rumble throne.
What sort of books do you like most?
Example answer: I like comic books. I like fiction books (real stories). I like non-fiction books (stories not real).
Do you like reading?
Example answers: I love reading. I read books every day. I don't like to read because I like to search everything quick (fast) online.
Which subject do you like best? What is your favorite subject?
Example answer: My favorite subject is math because I'm very good in math and get good grades.
Do you read the newspape? Do exercise every day?
Example answer: I never read the newspaper and I exercise four days a week in the gym / at home.
Would you tell me something about your school?
Example answer: At my school, there are many teachers. The classrooms are big and there are 25 students in my class. We have a teacher is who teaches very well
Who do you usually do this hobby with?
Example answer: I play soccer with my friends in the field on the weekends.
What is your favorite hobby?
Example answer: I like to play football on the weekends.
Favorite pastime: What do you usually do during your leisure?
I usually play with my friends. I read books. I play video games.
Why do you like to study in our school?
Example Answer: I want to study at your school because the school has a great academic program.
Would you use Putonghua to tell me your name / introduce yourself?
You're going to have to practice this yourself with Chinese.
Easy way to say what is Putonghua:
Putonghua is the standard spoken form of modern Chinese, based on the dialect of Beijing.
Do you know Putonghua?
Putonghua is a standard Chinese and it is a modern standard form of Mandarin Chinese that was first codified during the republican era. Main language in China.
Have you ever joined any extra-curricula activities at school? Do you like them?
Example answer: I have joined a school club. I joined the chess club. I am the president of the school.
What are your hobbies / interest?
I like to play video games, read books, play with friends, and watch news.
Would you tell me something about your family?
I have a mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, and one brother and sister. We all like to eat ice cream on Sundays.
Would you introduce yourself?
Hi, I'm David. I live in Nangchun, China. I am 11 years old and a student at (say the name of your school).