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Name a popular subject for a documentary.
Nature and wildlife, True crime, History, Space exploration, Food and cooking
What's something you might do to unwind before bed?
Read, Listen to music, Take a bath or shower, Meditate, Drink herbal tea
Name a popular genre of music.
Pop, Rock, Hip-hop, Jazz, Classical
What's an activity people do to get into the holiday spirit?
Decorating, Baking cookies, Watching holiday movies, Listening to holiday music, Shopping for gifts
Name something you might bring on a hiking trip.
Water bottle, Snacks, Map or GPS, First aid kit, Sunscreen
What's a common fear people have?
Heights, Spiders, Public speaking, Darkness, Flying
Name a popular flavor of ice cream.
Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Mint chocolate chip, Cookies and cream
What's something people commonly dream about?
Falling, Being chased, Flying, Losing teeth, Showing up late
Name a reason you might decide to start a garden.
To grow your own food, For relaxation or therapy, To beautify your yard, For environmental reasons, As a hobby
What's a sign that you're becoming more like your parents?
Enjoying naps, Preferring a night in over going out, Watching the news, Complaining about technology, Repeating their phrases or advice
Name something you might do to prepare for a job interview.
Research the company, Practice answers, Update your resume, Choose a professional outfit, Get a good night's sleep
What's an essential item for a day at the beach?
Sunscreen, Towel, Sunglasses, Swimsuit, Beach umbrella
Name a popular outdoor summer activity.
Swimming, Barbecue, Camping, Biking, Beach volleyball
Name a common household chore.
Doing the dishes, Vacuuming, Laundry, Dusting, Taking out the trash
What's something people often do to celebrate their birthday?
Throw a party, Go out to eat, Have cake, Receive gifts, Spend time with friends and family
Name a popular app that people use daily.
WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Spotify
What's a popular board game for game night?
Monopoly, Scrabble, Catan, Clue, Risk
Name something people are often nervous about doing for the first time.
Driving, Public speaking, Going on a date, Starting a new job, Flying on a plane
What's a common first pet for a child?
Goldfish, Hamster, Cat, Dog, Turtle
What's something you might save up money to buy?
A car, A house, A vacation, A new phone, Designer clothing or accessories
Name a popular type of exercise class.
Yoga, Pilates, Spin class, Zumba, CrossFit
What's something people often do to relax after a long day?
Take a bath, Read a book, Listen to music, Meditate or yoga, Watch their favorite TV show
Name a subject people often take up as a hobby.
Photography, Painting or drawing, Playing a musical instrument, Gardening, Writing
What's a common snack at a movie theater besides popcorn?
Nachos, Candy, Soft drinks, Ice cream, Pretzels
Name something you'd check before leaving the house for the day.
Weather, Wallet and keys, Phone, Outfit appearance, If doors are locked
What's something many people do just once a week?
Grocery shopping, Laundry, Clean the house, Visit family, Exercise (unfortunately)
Name a hobby that's become more popular in recent years.
Baking sourdough bread, Gardening, Podcasting, Playing board games, Knitting or crocheting
What's a common pet peeve when living with roommates?
Leaving dishes unwashed, Making noise late at night, Not taking out the trash, Borrowing items without asking, Not paying bills on time
Name something you can do to make a long flight more comfortable.
Bring a neck pillow, Watch movies or read, Listen to music or podcasts, Walk around occasionally, Stay hydrated
What's a popular subject for a podcast?
True crime, Health and fitness, Technology, Comedy, Personal development
Name a reason you might wake up before your alarm goes off.
Noise outside, Need to use the bathroom, Too hot or too cold, Excited or anxious, Pet woke you up
What's a common New Year's resolution?
Exercise more, Eat healthier, Save money, Travel more, Learn something new
Name something people often lose.
Keys, Phone, Wallet, Socks in the laundry, Pen
What item in their room would a teenager not want their parents to find?
Report card with bad grades, Messy collection of clothes, Snack stash under the bed, Love letters, Diary or journal
Name a skill many people wish they were better at.
Cooking, Playing a musical instrument, Public speaking, Dancing, Managing money
What's something you might forget to do before leaving on vacation?
Turn off the lights, Lock the doors, Pack toothbrush, Water the plants, Check the weather
Name a popular family activity for Sunday afternoons.
Picnic in the park, Watching a movie, Playing board games, Visiting relatives, Going for a hike
What's the first thing most people do when they get home from work?
Change into comfortable clothes, Check their phone, Make a snack, Watch TV, Take a nap
Name a reason someone might decide to take a day off work besides being sick.
Needing a mental health day, Going on a short trip, Family obligations, Home repairs, Waiting for a delivery
Name something you'd be reluctant to buy with a friend watching.
Personal hygiene products, Embarrassing movie, Cheesy music album, Self-help book, Odd-sized clothing
What’s something you might find in a student’s backpack that they’d rather keep private?
Personal letters, Diary, Embarrassing photo, Secret snack stash, Bad report card
Name an activity that often turns more competitive than expected.
Board games, Cooking competitions, Karaoke, Trivia night, Sports watching
What's something people pretend to dislike but secretly enjoy?
Watching cartoons, Eating junk food, Reading celebrity news, Singing in the shower, Collecting something quirky
Name something you might do if you thought you were alone but weren’t.
Sing out loud, Talk to yourself, Practice dance moves, Try on outfits, Mimic people
What's a common reason someone might have an awkward moment?
Forgetting names, Tripping in public, Waving at someone who wasn't waving at them, Spilling a drink, Telling a joke that no one laughs at
Name something you wouldn’t want your parents to find in your room during a surprise visit.
Messy clothes, Snack wrappers, Unfinished homework, Secret diary, Gift you forgot to give them
What’s something people brag about doing more than they actually do?
Going to the gym, Eating healthy, Finishing books, Learning languages, Saving money
Name a place where you're most likely to get caught in a silly situation.
Mall, Park, School, Office, Public transportation
What's something you might accidentally leave at someone's house after a date?
Sunglasses, Phone charger, Umbrella, Hat, Book
Name something people do when the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve.
Kiss, Cheer, Toast with friends, Make resolutions, Watch fireworks