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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm struggling to keep my workspace organized
Maybe we could...
Our team's morale has been low lately
Do you think...
We need a better system for tracking work hours
How about...
I have a hard time waking up early for work
I suggest...
It's difficult to stay motivated to exercise
What if we...
The printer is always jamming
Why don't we...
I'm not getting enough practice speaking English
Perhaps we could...
Our team needs a new project management tool
I recommend...
There's no good place to eat lunch nearby
I propose...
The office is too bright in the afternoon
Maybe we could...
We need a better way to organize our files
Do you think...
It's someone's birthday next week
How about...
We're running out of office supplies
I suggest...
The coffee machine is broken again
What if we...
I always forget words in English
Why don't we...
It's hard to find a time when everyone is available for meetings
Perhaps we could...
We need more team-building activities
I recommend...
Our email communication is not effective
Maybe we could...
We don't have a good place to relax during breaks
I propose...
We keep forgetting our weekly meeting
Do you think...
The meeting room is always too cold
How about...
Everyone seems tired during the afternoon
I suggest...
We need to choose a new design for our project
What if we...
The team has to finish a project by tomorrow
Why don't we...
There's a lot of noise in the office
I propose...