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Conditional Sentences Type 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you _____(do) a paper round, you _____(earn) little extra money.
If you did a paper round, you would earn little extra money.
If Richard _____(to be) older, he _____(play) in our football team.
If Richard were older, he would play in our football team.
If we _____(live) in Hanoi, my girlfriend _____(visit) us.
If we lived in Hanoi, my girlfriend would visit us.
If I _____(come) home earlier, I _____(prepare) dinner.
If I came home earlier, I would prepare dinner.
If I _____(to be) you, I _____(quit) smoking.
If I were you, I would quit smoking.
If she _____(win) a million dollars, she _____(buy) a penthouse.
If she won a million dollars, she would buy a penthouse.
If he _____(have) a map, he _____(lend) it to you.
If he had a map, he would lend it to you.
If I _____(to be) 22, I _____(travel) around the world.
If I were 22, I would travel around the world.
If Marry _____(have) time, she _____(visit) her boyfriend.
If Marry had time, she would visit her boyfriend.
If I _____(know) the answer, I _____(tell) it to you.
If I knew the answer, I would tell it to you.
If I _____(money), I _____(buy) a car.
If I had money, I would buy a car.
He _____(not send) her e-mail if he _____(not have) her address.
He wouldn't send her e-mail if he didn't have her address.
If we _____(to be) free, we _____(go) to the party.
If we were free, we would go to the party.
If she ______(have) money, she _____(buy) a new dress.
If she had money, she would buy a new dress.
If my sister _____(see) a mouse in the kitchen, she _____(scream).
If my sister saw a mouse in the kitchen, she would scream.
If a bee_____ (fly) into my bedroom, I _____ (open) the window.
If a bee flew into my bedroom, I would open the window.