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Everybody Up 6 Unit 5 Around Town SKC4

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where are you going after school?
I'm going to...
Did ______ say that ______ was going to the science museum?
No, HE didn't.
Did ______ say that ______ was going to the skate park?
Yes, SHE did.
Did ______ say that ______ was going to the arcade?
Yes, HE did.
Did ______ say that ______ was going to the sports stadium?
No, SHE didn't.
Did ______ say that ______ was going to the art gallery?
No, HE didn't.
Did ______ say that ______ was going to the mall?
Yes, SHE did.
What did ______ say?
SHE said that SHE was going to the ARCADE.
What did ______ say?
HE said that HE was going to the ART GALLERY.
What did ______ say?
SHE said that SHE was going to the SCIENCE MUSEUM.
What did ______ say?
HE said that HE was going to the SPORTS STADIUM.
What did ______ say?
SHE said that SHE was going to the SKATE PARK.
What did ______ say?
HE said that HE was going to the MALL.